
In-District Professional Development Planning Form

A Contract Modification Request (CMR) will be generated only if the In-District Professional Development (PD) amount exceeds your district PD allocated funds. A Cross Contract will be generated for non-Eastern Suffolk BOCES districts.
A CMR or Cross Contract will be emailed to the district contact person's email and will require your superintendent's signature prior to work commencing. Please email signed CMR to: PDTeam@esboces.org and ContractAdjustments@esboces.org.
* District Name: 
Today's Date:  2/6/2025
Online Workshop:  
District contact:   
Amt Committed:  0
Amount Used:  0
First Name:   
Last Name: 
* Email: 
Check here to enter new contact:    
* Consultant/Company Requested:           
Display By:          
Consultant/Company Name if not in list: 
Content Area: 
  Other Area (not in list):  
Grade Levels (i.e. K-2, 3-6, K-5, 6-12, etc.) AND/OR Audience (i.e. Board, Admin): 
* Workshop Length: 
    # of 
    # of 
  # of 
Full Days: 
Half Days: 
Additional Notes: 
** It is the school district's responsibility to confirm dates, times and locations with the coach/consultant.**
* Start Date (required): 
PD to be completed by:  06/30/2025
* Professional Learning Title:                    
* Professional Learning Objective(s):      
* NYSED BOCES Category:       
* How many of each type will be participating in this professional development?
District-Level Admins: 
Bldg-Level Admins: 
Other staff: 
(Fees Note: Depending on consultant/company's contract, additional expenses may apply, plus a coordination fee, which is 20% for in-district professional development for 1-30 days or 15% for 31+ days.)